[Xapian-discuss] Reopening database

Francis Irving francis at flourish.org
Wed Apr 30 10:13:38 BST 2008


In my application I have one writer (on a cron job), and multiple
readers which are inside the Mongrel Ruby on Rails web server.

When I alter the database, the readers don't see the changes until the
webserver is next restarted - I'm caching the database connection so
it doesn't reopen each query.

Which of the following is the best fix...

- Is there some way of getting Xapian to detect that the database has
  been written to? So I can reopen it exactly when needed. e.g. 
  I looked for a way of programmatically reading the revision number
  or similar, but got nowhere (maybe can use filesystem time stamps?).

- Should I just reopen it every request, will that have much
  performance cost? That is what seems to happen in PHP, and it's OK.

- Something else :)


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