[Xapian-discuss] indexing and sorting by value in python

Matteo Zandi matteo.zandi at gmail.com
Sat Aug 16 09:35:00 BST 2008

On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 4:51 AM, mark <markkicks at gmail.com> wrote:

> doc.add_value(0, Xapian::sortable_serialise(price));

I have documents in different languages, what I do is:

    doc.add_value(0, lang)

where lang is either 'it' or 'en'.

> when I am searching, how do i specify these sorting properties?

then I AND two queries

    query1 = query = xapian.Query(query_string)
    query2 = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_VALUE_RANGE, 0, lang, lang)
    query = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_AND, query1, query2)

where query1 is the query entered by the user and query2 is a query which
returns only documents which belong to the 'lang' language.

The only inconvenience I find in this approach is that you have to remember
that 0 is the language, 1 is something else, etc..


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