[Xapian-discuss] Fwd: Change document relevance on user feedback

Richard Boulton richard at lemurconsulting.com
Fri Jun 13 16:56:43 BST 2008

Benjamin Hille wrote:
> do you use the RSet class to say "this Document is more relevant for this
> query" ?

Yes.  More precisely, "relevant for this query, for this user, at this 

> On the xapian search page when the user click the box "this document is
> relevant", how do you update the index to reflect this?

We don't - RSet's are transient things, and aren't stored anywhere; 
perhaps it's best to think of an RSet as part of the query.

It would certainly be possible to store past relevance judgments for 
queries and use them to adjust queries (either by building RSets, or by 
adding terms explicitly, or various other techniques).  Xapian could be 
used to support such a process (for example, the storing of the 
judgments could be done by using the metadata store in xapian), but 
there's no explicit support for this in Xapian.


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