[Xapian-discuss] a strange type of alias/expanded term

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Tue Oct 21 09:27:29 BST 2008

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 01:03:34PM +0200, Andreas Marienborg wrote:
> I have pretty persistent db-objects (I usually call reopen on  
> exceptions), what happens if another
> process changes these synonyms? are they stored in the DB, or just in  
> the object-instance? Is a reopen on each search the best approach to  
> reread synonyms if the are persisted on disk?

The synonyms are stored on disk and versioned along with the rest of the
data in the database.  So reopen() to make sure you have the latest.
Calling reopen() when there are no changes is very cheap as of 1.0.7.

However, if you're changing them daily, you only need to do that for the
first search after midnight each day anyway.


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