[Xapian-discuss] Omindex Filters

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Thu Sep 18 04:11:15 BST 2008

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 07:20:16PM +0930, Frank J Bruzzaniti wrote:
> How about XML for the output so we can incorporate any additional meta-data.

That's essentially why Recoll's filters convert to HTML.  The main issue
is that it adds the overhead of the external script converting to XML
and then omindex parsing the XML to get back to the plain text.

> How about using tmpfs for processing could improve processing instead of 
> packing to disk all the time and it could be wiped before or after batches.

I don't understand.  Packing what to disk?

Anyway, tmpfs isn't available for all platforms, and requires the admin
to set it up, so how do you envisage omindex making use of it?

It seems that you just have to use $TMPDIR or /tmp and hope that the
system is sanely configured.


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