[Xapian-discuss] Newbie question: How to extract 'date modified' from path when indexing?

Bill Hutten bill at hutten.org
Wed Apr 1 01:36:07 BST 2009

Hi all:

I've successfully set up Xapian/Omega as the search engine on a client 
website. So far, so good. :)  However, the client would like to be able 
to search by date. This is not a problem - the START and END cgi 
parameters work fine, except that omindex is using (of course) the 
datestamp of the HTML files as the "Date Modified".  This datestamp is 
not accurate, as the files have been moved between servers, backed up 
and restored, etc etc over time.

The files are stored in a consistent structure, for instance file 
"foo.html" might be in "archives/2006/07/foo.html"  In this example, I 
would like to be able to extract the 2006/07 value from the path during 
indexing and use that as the date that Xapian/Omega uses to search on.

Can anyone give me a few pointers as to how I would accomplish this? 
Right now my indexing is simply done with omindex - I assume this will 
not be sufficient.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

- bill
Bill Hutten bill at hutten.org

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