[Xapian-discuss] omindex => Unknown extension

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Mon Apr 6 13:35:23 BST 2009

On Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 01:42:47PM +0200, Cedric Jeanneret wrote:
> having the same here. Solved by adding some ram in my server.
> Maybe external calls can't be done properly, and omindex crashes when
> launching programs such as antiwor, pdftotext and so on...

I find it hard to tell exactly what the problem you were seeing was.

If there's not enough memory to run an external filter, it will fail to
run (and omindex sets resource limits to prevent an external filter
making excessive resource demands).  So you will see some files fail to
index if you don't have enough RAM.

But we should *NOT* be removing the mime mapping in this case (which is
what Eric seems to be describing).  If we are, that's a bug.  I looked
at the code for this and it appears to be correct, so I'll need some
output from omindex if you think you are seeing this.


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