[Xapian-discuss] "DatabaseCorruptError: Cannot open tables at consistent revisions"

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Wed Apr 29 04:00:29 BST 2009

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 10:51:49AM +0930, Frank J Bruzzaniti wrote:
> Ocassionally when I'm searching using Omega I get:
> "DatabaseCorruptError: Cannot open tables at consistent revisions"
> If I click reload it's  all ok, is this the database being updated?, is 
> there a way to avoid the message?

This error shouldn't happen due to us being in the middle of an update.

But it's hard to say more without more information.  Are you updating
the database at the time?  If so, how are you updating it?

And which Xapian version are you using?


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