[Xapian-discuss] antiword

Frank J Bruzzaniti frank.bruzzaniti at harrier-rm.com
Wed Apr 29 12:51:31 BST 2009

Hi guys,

I've been noticing more and more that antiword has trouble with many 
word documents.
It may look like it's converted a document but leaves out headings and 
bits of text.
I've been looking into getting openoffice to do it in headless mode but 
still have a way to go before it's stable.
I was wondering if anyone else had any luck on this front?

One quick fix I have found for word documents  is by using  abiword

If you want to convert a file to text and display it to stdout:

abiword --to=txt --to-name=fd://1 <file to convert>

E..g. abiword --to=txt --to-name=fd://1 test_word6.doc



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