[Xapian-discuss] Can Omega be used as an OpenSearch engine for Windows Federated Search?

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Tue Dec 1 04:43:30 GMT 2009

On Tue, Dec 01, 2009 at 12:56:25AM +0100, Rune Kock wrote:
> Now, Omega has an OpenSearch 1.0 template.  But the following comment
> isn't encouraging: "The opensearch template isn't really finished - it
> was more a quick hack to see how fiddly it would be."
> (http://lists.tartarus.org/pipermail/xapian-devel/2006-January/000288.html).
>  That mail is three years old, and nothing much seems to have happened
> since then.

Nothing much has happened since then because no problems with the
OpenSearch template have been reported since those I fixed back then.  It's
hard for me to know if that's because nobody uses it or it is free of
obvious problems.

If OpenSearch 1.1 is incompatible, it would be good to know what needs
changing for it.


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