[Xapian-discuss] Text snippets

karpet at localhost.com karpet at localhost.com
Sat Dec 26 00:36:53 GMT 2009

> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 11:29:52AM +0300, Do. wrote:

> There's a ticket in trac as well as the FAQ entry.  The FAQ entry had some
> rough edges (e.g. the sample thread it linked to wasn't about snippets at
> all)
> so I've overhauled it, and linked to the ticket as part of that:
> http://trac.xapian.org/wiki/FAQ/Snippets

FWIW, the Search::Tools modules mentioned in that FAQ entry have gotten a
lot of work in the last six months, and many of the slow parts moved to
C/XS. The FAQ entry mentions problems with phrases and stemming, and to
the best of my knowledge those have been resolved.

I use Search::Tools with Xapian quite successfully. I store the entire
plain (no HTML) text of each document in the 'data' entry for each
document, and can snip and highlight very easily with Search::Tools +
Search::Xapian. If I want to highlight terms in the original document, I
use HTML::HiLiter.


I would be happy to change the FAQ entry to reflect the above, but of
course as the author of Search::Tools I am biased, so if you find that
Search::Tools doesn't work well with Xapian I'd like to hear about it.


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