[Xapian-discuss] some problems and prefixes

Rafi webdeveloper at poczta.onet.pl
Fri Jun 19 00:56:36 BST 2009


R> for me it deosnt work ;/ I dont know why. First way is working, but
R> this doesnt work like prefix, only a normal term juz like
R> 'XX_phrase_XX'

I've figured out what does prefixes mean :), for other who will look
for sovling this problem:

creatign term eg: XC:category
quering for: XC:category
add_prefix('shopid', 'XC');

and then users can search by typing:

shopid:23 just like in google site:host.com :)

Best regards,
 Rafi                            mailto:webdeveloper at poczta.onet.pl

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