[Xapian-discuss] early termination in xapian?

Daniel Etzold detzold at gmail.com
Thu May 14 12:48:25 BST 2009


I have a query like "q1 OR q2 OR q3" and the result set should be ranked 
by relevance. For that case I'd like to know whether the matcher does 
have to read the complete posting lists for q1, q2 and q3 or whether the 
matcher supports some kind of early termination so that only a small 
fraction of each list of a query term has to be read.

Furthermore, does the matcher first build a M-set for "q1 OR q2" and 
than incorporates the results of q3 or does the matcher work on the 
posting lists of each query term in parallel?

Thanks in advance,

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