[Xapian-discuss] Category Search with Values

Senior Boss seniorboss at hotmail.it
Mon May 18 11:57:52 BST 2009

Hi Tom and thanks for the rapidity in to answer me. I have followed your indications and it is really what i'm looking for. 
Unfortunately the search doesn't produce any result while in the db the searched record is present.  
I insert here following the code that I have used (Php). Is there something of wrong? 

For the indexer 


For the search

$user_query = "blu red";
$filter_query = "XCcategory1";
$query = new XapianQuery(XapianQuery::OP_FILTER, $user_query, $filter_query);
$matches = $enquire->get_mset(0, 10);

The output result is

Parsed query is: Xapian::Query((blu red FILTER XCcat1))
0 results found:

2009/5/18 Senior Boss <seniorboss at hotmail.it>

Hi, I hope that someone can help me. I have intention to use xapian for one portal of mine in which
the consumers can post messages that are divided for category.
When I index a new post I also add to the object document the value with the name of the category.
How can I exploit all of this to effect searches filtered in base to the category?
Is there another way to do it without using the meta-data value?

Hi Francesco,

If I understand you correctly, the usual way to do this would be to add a term with a unique prefix to the document, e.g. (in pseudo-code):

  doc.add_term('XC' + category_name);

Then for filtering searches, add a subquery with the OP_FILTER operator:

  filter_query = Query('XC' + category_name);
  query = Query(OP_FILTER, user_query, filter_query);

Hope this helps.



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