[Xapian-discuss] How to use a custom stemmer from Python bindings?

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Tue Feb 2 10:47:48 GMT 2010

On Tue, Feb 02, 2010 at 01:22:11PM +0600, Eugene! wrote:
> I'm using Xapian bindings for Python in my project. How could I use a
> custom stemmer instead of the included one (Snowball)?

You can't use a custom stemmer in place of a Xapian::Stem object currently
- there's an experimental patch which allows this in ticket #186, but that
couldn't be easily wrapped by SWIG so it has been left for now:


You can just split the text into words yourself, stem them with your own
algorithm, and then add them using Document.add_term() or

> The one I'm
> looking at right now is Hunspell (http://hunspell.sourceforge.net/)
> which has Python bindings (http://code.google.com/p/pyhunspell/).

How does it compare to Snowball?


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