[Xapian-discuss] TermGenerator incorrectly tokenizes German text which contains special characters

Bjorn Lamers bjorn.lamers at gmail.com
Wed Jun 9 15:48:24 BST 2010

Dear Xapian users,

I try to index some German text with Xapian using the xapian_php bindings. I
run Apache 2.2 on Windows using PHP 5.2.13 with the pre build xapian
bindings from Flax:
Xapian Support enabled Xapian
Compiled Version @PACKAGE_VERSION@
Xapian Linked Version 1.2.0

The problem is that after indexing text which contains special characters
like ä, ö, ü and ß, using TermGenerator::index_text (
terms get cut off (stopped) after the special character. For example the
term gesundheitsschädlich is indexed as gesundheitsschä and Zgesundheitsschä

All character encodings are set to UTF-8, the MySql database is also in
UTF-8 encoding.
#1 $lIndexer = new XapianTermGenerator();
#2 $lStemmer = new XapianStem(XapianHelper::GetStemmer($pLanguage)); //
#3 $lIndexer->set_stemmer($lStemmer);
#4 $lDoc = new XapianDocument();
#5 $lDoc->add_term($lObj->Id);
#6 $lIndexer->set_document($lDoc);
#7 $lIndexer->index_text("Nahrungsergänzungsmittel Ausreißer");
#8 $lIndexer->index_text($lSomeStringFromDb);*

In the code example just above here the problem only occurs when I try to
index text on line #8. The string which get indexed on line #7 is indexed
correctly ({Zausreiss, Znahrungserganzungsmittel, ausreißer,
nahrungsergänzungsmittel}). When I force *$lSomeStringFromDb* to be in UTF-8
encoding the tokens are also incorrect.
*$lSomeStringFromDb* can either come from the database or from MemCache.

I checked the character encoding of the different inputs with the
PHP-method: mb_detect_encoding. Strings containing special characters have
encoding UTF-8, string which not contain special characters are detected as
ASCII. The string from #7 is detected as UTF-8.
mb_detect_encoding("Nahrungsergänzungsmittel Ausreißer")  => UTF-8
mb_detect_encoding("Nahrungserganzungsmittel Ausreisser") => ASCII
mb_check_encoding("Nahrungsergänzungsmittel Ausreißer", "UTF-8")  => true
mb_check_encoding("Nahrungserganzungsmittel Ausreisser", "UTF-8") => true*

When I do the checks on the MemCache/database variable I get these results:
*mb_detect_encoding($lSomeStringFromDb) => ASCII
mb_check_encoding($lSomeStringFromDb, "UTF-8")  => true*

No matter what conversions I do the variable is detected as ASCII.
*// http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.utf8-encode.php#89789
function fixEncoding($in_str)
 $cur_encoding = mb_detect_encoding($in_str) ;
 if($cur_encoding == "UTF-8" && mb_check_encoding($in_str,"UTF-8"))
   return $in_str;
   return utf8_encode($in_str);
} // fixEncoding

if (mb_detect_encoding($lString) == "ASCII")
   $lString = mb_convert_encoding($lString, "UTF-8", "ASCII");*

Only by adding a special character to the variable it gets detected as UTF-8
(in all cases the string was correctly encoded checked as UTF-8 with
mb_check_encoding). But still the generated terms are incorrect.
*mb_detect_encoding(“ä ” . $lSomeStringFromDb) => UTF-8
mb_check_encoding(“ä ” . $lSomeStringFromDb, "UTF-8")  => true*

To sum up my encoding problems:
Text which contains special characters is not correctly indexed (German
text). Terms are cut off just after a special character. I’m pretty sure my
variables/objects are all in UTF-8 format, but they are not properly
indexed. When I copy the contents of my variables/objects into strings in
PHP the content is properly indexed.

What can be the problem of the variables, why aren’t the indexed properly?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


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