[Xapian-discuss] DatabaseLockError: REMOTE: unable to get write lock

Ozgur hinoglu at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 11:27:33 BST 2010


I'm using xapian(1.2.2) python interface to connect remote xapian-tcpserv daemon.
I'm starting the daemon as given below: 

    xapian-tcpsrv --port 9100 --interface --writable ./xapiandb/

and in script.py:

    import xapian as xa
    db = xa.remote_open_writable('localhost', 9100)
    # other stuff
    # ...

script is a long running program, and when i try to run another instance,
i get :

    xapian.DatabaseLockError: REMOTE:Unable to get write lock on /home/hinoglu/xapiandb/ : already locked

Please correct me if i'm wrong, writelock is the xapian-tcpsrv's lock, not the clients'. So why am i getting
databaselock error? Isn't xapian-tcpsrv capable of handling multiple clients?


Ozgur <hinoglu at gmail.com>

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