[Xapian-discuss] More relevance for recent documents

Vítězslav Plšek vitezslav.plsek at qcm.cz
Mon May 23 09:55:24 BST 2011

Good afternoon

I would like to ask if is possible somehow give more relevance to the
recent documents in search results.
I dont want to sort results according to the date, I still prefer
relevance, but I would like to see recent documents with better scoring.

I was trying to add search query using AND_MAYBE, which should use
relevance from both subqueries, but it didnt add any benefit to the
resalts which are match by this subquery

 $query = new XapianQuery(XapianQuery::OP_AND_MAYBE, $query, new
XapianQuery(XapianQuery::OP_VALUE_GE,  self::DATE, date('Ymd000000',
strtotime("- 1 year"))));

Is there some way how to give more relevance to the recent documents?
Would be solution possible in PHP where is still some problem with
subclasing Xapian classes?

I will be glad for any suggestions
Thank you for your time

Plšek Vítězslav

S pozdravem

Vítězslav Plšek

QCM, s.r.o.
Heršpická 813/5, 639 00 BRNO

email: vitezslav.plsek at qcm.cz
tel.: +420 538 702 714
web: www.qcm.cz

www.vhodne-uverejneni.cz - portál pro vhodné uveřejnění
www.marwel.cz - publikační systém a portálové řešení
www.ezak.cz - veřejné zakázky elektronicky

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