[Xapian-discuss] Understanding API Documentation for PHP

Sam Millman sam.millman at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 15:53:20 BST 2011

Hey everyone,

I am brand new to Xapian so forgive me if I am just being noob.

I looked over the sparse documentation for the Xapian library and its PHP
hooks and I am really confused how to complete my index.

I understand how to add documents etc etc etc and how to build queries but
how I do specify in add_value what field type xapian should take (i.e.
tokenized, unindexed, indexed)?

Is there a list of slotno's anywhere that I can reference to?

In a general sense is there any more programmer orientated
documentation/tutorials rather than researcher orientated document than
http://xapian.org/docs/ that better describes the steps of indexing and
searching etc?

Thanks in advance,

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