[Xapian-discuss] How to choose the proximity between search words

Nat n.depardieu at immanens.com
Tue Jan 3 08:46:12 GMT 2012

Hi! And happy new year :)

With the end of the year, I haven't had much time to work on my search
application. I just tried to use Xapian::Query constructor to specify my window
size, but I can't find the right syntax, nothing worked :(

This is my PHP code:

$queryOP = XapianQuery::OP_NEAR;
$proximity = 30;

$query = $queryparser->parse_query($searchexp,XapianQueryParser::FLAG_DEFAULT);

where searchexp is, for example, "vierge marie".

I've got my query, but I don't know how I can use Xapian::Query constructor or
any function of this class to specify my $proximity.

I have to admit I'm a little lost!

Thanks in advance


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