[Xapian-discuss] Speed of range queries

Dmitry Karasik dmitry at karasik.eu.org
Tue Oct 23 11:34:55 BST 2012

Dear all,

I'm having a problem with range searches on 1.2.12, can't put a finger on it,
possibly you can help me with a clue. The problem is that this query

Xapian::Query((VALUE_RANGE 70 stringA stringB AND KEYvalue:(pos=1)))

takes 0.6 seconds, whereas this one

Xapian::Query((KEYvalue:(pos=1) AND VALUE_RANGE 70 stringA stringB))

takes 20 seconds. I'm in the process of isolating the problem, so that I can
demonstrate it, but meanwhile I'd like to ask if you could give any advice
about where to look, tuning/debugging/whatever. Currently I'm fighting the
problem by explicit rearranging of the query so that the range request goes
first, but that's a hack and I don't understand why it works like that. Any
help will be appreciated!


	Dmitry Karasik

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