[Xapian-discuss] Perl interface isn't working in 1.2.x
Jim Lynch
jim at k4gvo.com
Tue Aug 27 17:57:25 BST 2013
On 08/26/2013 04:58 PM, Olly Betts wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 08:51:29AM -0400, Jim Lynch wrote:
>> On 08/25/2013 05:02 PM, Olly Betts wrote:
>>> So the simple fix is
>>> probably just to install the perl-Search-Xapian RPM instead.
>> Thanks, the Centos 6 repos don't have that rpm and the
>> http://xapian.org/download page seems to only cover the XS bindings,
> No, it covers both:
> | For convenience you can install a package to pull in his package repository
> | and then you can install the packages using yum:
> |
> | $ su
> | enter your root password
> | # rpm -ivh http://rpm.eprints.org/rpm-eprints-org-key-1-1.noarch.rpm
> | # rpm -ivh http://rpm.eprints.org/xapian/6/noarch/rpm-eprints-org-xapian-6-1.noarch.rpm
> | # yum update
> | # yum install xapian-omega xapian-bindings-{php,python,tcl8,perl,ruby}
> So this (xapian-bindings-perl) would be the SWIG-based Perl bindings.
> | (or whatever Xapian packages you want to install).
> |
> | perl-Search-Xapian is available for those not using the SWIG bindings.
> And this is the hand-coded XS bindings.
> Cheers,
> Olly
I thought I was using the SWIG version, since I had
rpm-eprints-org-xapian.repo in my yum.repos.d directory. So I created
a Centos 6 VM, made sure there were no xapian libraries in it and
followed the above yum instructions to install xapian-bindings-perl. I
then ran my code using perl -d and found that the code failed as I
described originally. See:
main::(gsearch.cgi:97): $db = Search::Xapian::Database->new( $dx );
DB<2> l
97==> $db = Search::Xapian::Database->new( $dx );
98: my $qp = Search::Xapian::QueryParser->new();
99: my $dbSize=$db->get_doccount();
100: $qp->set_stemmer(new Search::Xapian::Stem("english"));
101: $qp->set_stemming_strategy(STEM_SOME);
102: $qp->set_default_op($defaultop);
103: my $par = $qp->parse_query($query);
104: my $enq = $db->enquire( $par );
106: my @matches = $enq->matches($nstart,$nrecords);
DB<2> l
107: my $mset = $enq->get_mset($nstart,$nrecords);
108: my $est = $mset->get_matches_estimated();
109: $results{size}=$mset->size();
110: $results{dbsize}=$dbSize;
111: $results{estimate}=$est;
112: $results{start}=$nstart;
113: $results{query}=$enq->get_query->get_description();
114: my %hits;
115: my @hits;
116: my $t1 = [gettimeofday];
DB<2> l
117: $results{searchElTime}=tv_interval $t0, $t1;
118: my $totTime=0;
119: print "Dbsize $dbSize estimated $est start $nstart\n";
120: foreach my $match ( @matches ) {
121: my %hit;
122: my %ht;
123: my $doc = $match->get_document();
124: my $per = $match->get_percent();
125: my $id = $match->get_docid();
126: print "ID $id Percent $per Doc $doc\n";
DB<2> l
127: my $eterm = $enq->get_matching_terms_end($id);
128: my $bterm = $enq->get_matching_terms_begin($id);
129: my @terms;
130: for(my $xit=$bterm;$xit != $eterm;++$xit) {
131: my $foo ="$xit";
132: $foo =~s/^Z//;
133: $foo =~s/^A//;
134: push(@terms,$foo);
135: }
136: if(!scalar(@terms)) {
DB<2> c 132
Dbsize 300 estimated 105 start 0
ID 120 Percent 100 Doc Search::Xapian::Document=HASH(0x255a148)
main::(gsearch.cgi:132): $foo =~s/^Z//;
DB<3> p $foo
When it's running right, $foo contains the word "book" which is the
complete query.
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