[Xapian-discuss] trouble with user's right indexing with omega

Emmanuel Garette egarette at cadoles.com
Sun Oct 13 11:38:20 BST 2013


I'm using omindex to index files and I want make query with user/group
boolean prefix (I*, I at ... and I#...). That work well with "other" and
"group" right, but not in all case for "user" right.

Here is an example:

assume that we have an user "ftp" not in "users" group. If file right are:

-rw-r------ 1 ftp  users     13 2013-10-06 16:26 test.txt

# delve -t "I*" dbb/
term `I*' not in database

That's ok, "other" cannot read this file.

# delve -t "I#users" dbb/
Posting List for term `I#users' (termfreq 1, collfreq 0): 1

That's ok, group 'users' can read this file.

# delve -t "I at ftp" dbb/
term `I at ftp' not in database

That's wrong, user "ftp" can read this file.

As this user is not in "users" group, this user cannot find this file.

In omindex.cc, if I comment "inc_tag_added":

            if (group) {
                newdocument.add_boolean_term(string("I#") + group);
                //inc_tag_added = true;

all is ok:

# delve -t "I at ftp" dbb/
Posting List for term `I at ftp' (termfreq 1, collfreq 0): 1

Why user's right are ignore when group has read right in the file? Is a
normal behavior or a bug?


Emmanuel Garette
Ingénieur logiciels libres

Cadoles (http://www.cadoles.com)
Experts EOLE, Gaspacho, logiciels libres

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