Xapian 1.4.0 released
QE :: Felix Ostmann
ostmann at qe.de
Wed Jul 27 08:45:19 BST 2016
please don't truncate silently (like mysql ...), the current solution is
good. We catch & log every execption per document and continue (without the
document), that works like a charm.
Have a nice day
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Felix Ostmann
QE GmbH & Co. KG
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2016-07-25 23:14 GMT+02:00 Adam Sjøgren <asjo at koldfront.dk>:
> Kevin writes:
> > Of course, I can fix it by myself and check every terms length, but
> > that will add more overhead to big data computing.
> How is the overhead different whether your code checks it or Xapian does?
> Best regards,
> Adam
> --
> "Oh, we all like motorcycles, to some degree." Adam Sjøgren
> asjo at koldfront.dk
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