PHP bindings fail on Ubuntu for xapian-bindings-1.2.21

Olly Betts olly at
Sat Mar 26 23:54:45 GMT 2016

On Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 06:44:22PM -0500, Yannick Warnier wrote:
> Le 26/03/16 18:04, Olly Betts a écrit :
> >
> I didn't know they existed, but using them fixed my issue indeed,
> thanks! (I fooled them a little using the packages for vivid because
> the ppa doesn't have a wily branch, but that went through just fine,
> although I had to skip testing).

The last update was probably pre-wily.

> Now I have the php5-xapian, I add "" to my
> /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/20-xapian.ini, I see in phpinfo that that
> file is parsed, but that's it (no xapian module info).
> When I check the Apache error_log, I get this:
> "
> PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
> '/usr/lib/php5/20131226/' -
> /usr/lib/php5/20131226/ undefined symbol: _ZN6Xapian5Chert4openERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEii

That sounds like it's due to the GCC5/C++11 changes.  I wonder if you're
ending up using the xapian-core from vivid from the PPA (I'm not sure of
the timing, but guessing vivid was before that)?

I should put a newer version in the PPA and build it for wily too.  Will
sort that out soon.


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