How to recover from this permanent fatal error?

Olly Betts olly at
Mon Jun 7 04:45:06 BST 2021

On Sun, Jun 06, 2021 at 07:48:39AM -0500, Felipe Contreras wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 6, 2021 at 5:08 AM Olly Betts <olly at> wrote:
> > You could try commenting out the body of GlassTable::set_overwritten()
> > in xapian-core/backends/glass/ so it keeps going instead
> > of throwing this exception, which might allow it to usefully recover
> > some or all tags.  If you (or anyone) try that and it works let me know
> > and I can patch the branch to emit a warning message and continue there.
> Now I get this:
> termlist:
> blocksize=8K items=687440 firstunused=152676 revision=2 levels=2 root=749
> /home/felipec/contrib/xapian/xapian-core/bin/.libs/lt-xapian-check:
> DatabaseError: Block 152676: used more than once in the Btree

I've pushed a change to skip the low level table consistency checking on
the branch since that's where this report is from.  The whole point of
this branch is to rescue tags from a broken database, so the user
presumably already ran the real xapian-check and it's not useful to be
repeating those checks here.  Hopefully that'll get us to actually
rescuing some tags!


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