Advanced search with wildcard using notmuch for mutt

Olly Betts olly at
Mon Dec 4 20:00:20 GMT 2023

On Mon, Dec 04, 2023 at 06:39:43AM -0500, David Bremner wrote:
> I guess the restriction is based on what is easy to do efficiently with
> the Xapian database (find prefixes).  If I remember correctly there was
> some work in progress to support leading wildcards in Xapian. I can't
> find relevant discussion now, but I CC'ed the Xapian list in case
> someone remembers that.

The development version of Xapian supports both `*` and `?` glob-style
wildcards in any position.

You can enable them for the QueryParser using FLAG_WILDCARD_MULTI,
FLAG_WILDCARD_SINGLE or FLAG_WILDCARD_GLOB (the last one is just the
first two combined).


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