[Xapian-tickets] [Xapian] #513: Omega testsuite

Xapian nobody at xapian.org
Wed Oct 27 03:58:22 BST 2010

#513: Omega testsuite
 Reporter:  olly         |       Owner:  olly     
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new      
 Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:  1.2.x    
Component:  Omega        |     Version:  SVN trunk
 Severity:  normal       |   Blockedby:           
 Platform:  All          |    Blocking:           
 We should have tests for Omega which:

  * index data with omindex and scriptindex, and inspect the resultant
 database to check it contains what we expect.
  * run omega in command-line mode and check the output is as expected
 (this may be the easiest way to verify the results of omindex and

Ticket URL: <http://trac.xapian.org/ticket/513>
Xapian <http://xapian.org/>

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