[Xapian-tickets] [Xapian] #600: Lua example bindings do not work

Xapian nobody at xapian.org
Tue Jul 17 08:04:17 BST 2012

#600: Lua example bindings do not work
 Reporter:  zloidemon              |       Owner:  sabrina
     Type:  defect                 |      Status:  new    
 Priority:  normal                 |   Milestone:  1.2.x  
Component:  Xapian-bindings (Lua)  |     Version:         
 Severity:  major                  |    Keywords:         
Blockedby:                         |    Platform:  All    
 Blocking:                         |  
 I have xapian-bindings-1.2.12 on FreeBSD 8.2 amd64 box. I've try indexing
 file and then search, but lua simplesearch from examples do not work.
  -- Outputs from testing scripts.
  -- Python - is work fine:


  [search] 00:35 %> python
  ./ test
  Parsed query is: Xapian::Query(Ztest:(pos=1))
  3 results found.
  Results 1-3:
  1: 100% docid=25 [2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this
  BeOpen Python License Agreement, BeOpen hereby grants Licensee a
  non-exclusive, royalty-free, world-wide license to reproduce, analyze,
  test, perform and/or display publicly, prepare derivative works,
  distribute, and otherwise use the Software alone or in any derivative
  version, provided, however, that the BeOpen Python License is retained
  in the Software, alone or in any derivative version prepared by
  2: 93% docid=15 [2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this
  License Agreement, PSF hereby grants Licensee a nonexclusive,
  royalty-free, world-wide license to reproduce, analyze, test, perform
  and/or display publicly, prepare derivative works, distribute, and
  otherwise use Python alone or in any derivative version, provided,
  however, that PSF's License Agreement and PSF's notice of copyright,
  i.e., "Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,
  2009, 2010 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved" are
  retained in Python alone or in any derivative version prepared by
  3: 69% docid=33 [2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this
  License Agreement, CNRI hereby grants Licensee a nonexclusive,
  royalty-free, world-wide license to reproduce, analyze, test, perform
  and/or display publicly, prepare derivative works, distribute, and
  otherwise use Python 1.6.1 alone or in any derivative version,
  provided, however, that CNRI's License Agreement and CNRI's notice of
  copyright, i.e., "Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Corporation for National
  Research Initiatives; All Rights Reserved" are retained in Python
  1.6.1 alone or in any derivative version prepared by Licensee.
  Alternately, in lieu of CNRI's License Agreement, Licensee may
  substitute the following text (omitting the quotes): "Python 1.6.1 is
  made available subject to the terms and conditions in CNRI's License
  Agreement.  This Agreement together with Python 1.6.1 may be located
  on the Internet using the following unique, persistent identifier
  (known as a handle): 1895.22/1013.  This Agreement may also be
  obtained from a proxy server on the Internet using the following URL:

  -- Lua do not work:

  [search] 00:35 %> lua-5.1
  /usr/local/share/doc/xapian-bindings/lua/examples/simplesearch.lua ./
  lua-5.1: ...re/doc/xapian-bindings/lua/examples/simplesearch.lua:47:
  attempt to call method 'get_description' (a nil value)
  stack traceback:
          ...re/doc/xapian-bindings/lua/examples/simplesearch.lua:47: in
 main chunk


Ticket URL: <http://trac.xapian.org/ticket/600>
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