[Xapian-tickets] [Xapian] #667: LMWeight implementation for Python

Xapian nobody at xapian.org
Mon Mar 2 20:39:19 GMT 2015

#667: LMWeight implementation for Python
        Reporter:  icacc                     |      Owner:  richard
            Type:  enhancement               |     Status:  new
        Priority:  normal                    |  Milestone:
       Component:  Xapian-bindings (Python)  |    Version:
        Severity:  major                     |   Keywords:  python LMWeight
                                             |  weight
      Blocked By:                            |   Blocking:
Operating System:  All                       |
 Hi everyone,

 I have recently started using Xapian with Python and everything is running
 smooth. There is one issue, though: I cannot find the swig bindings for
 the class xapian.LMWeight (Xapian::LMWeight), though the ones for
 BM25Weight, TradWeight and BoolWeight exist. Was it on purpose? Could I
 then ask for the implementation of the weighting scheme LMWeight for the
 Python bindings?

 I apologise in case this is not the right channel or if I have got
 something wrong.

 Best regards,


Ticket URL: <http://trac.xapian.org/ticket/667>
Xapian <http://xapian.org/>

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