[Xapian-tickets] [Xapian] #814: 1.4.18: test suite i failing and runs forever

Xapian nobody at xapian.org
Wed Sep 15 21:51:40 BST 2021

#814: 1.4.18: test suite i failing and runs forever
 Reporter:  Tomasz Kloczko  |             Owner:  Olly Betts
     Type:  defect          |            Status:  new
 Priority:  normal          |         Milestone:
Component:  Other           |           Version:
 Severity:  normal          |        Resolution:
 Keywords:                  |        Blocked By:
 Blocking:                  |  Operating System:  All
Comment (by Olly Betts):

 > Only when I run it with -j1 I was able to see below:

 Prsumably the lack of output with `-j48` in effect is due to `make -O`
 which AIUI buffers all output for each job until it is complete, so a job
 that doesn't complete will presumably show no output.

 What distro and CPU architecture is this on?

 How is configure run?  You can see with `./config.status --config` if
 that's easiest.

 And is the packaging applying any patches?

 It's strange for `zerodocid1` to be problematic as it is very simple - it
 searches a single document database for a term that should match and
 checks that there's exactly one returned result and it has a non-zero
 docid.  I'm wondering if `make -O` is causing some extra buffering even
 with `-j1` and actually things stall a little later.

 Either way, finding out where it's getting stuck would be useful.

 Can you see if rerunning without valgrind makes a difference?  You can do
 that with:

 make check VALGRIND=

 If it still hangs, find the pid of the `apitest` process and attach `gdb`
 to it (e.g. `gdb --pid=12345`) then `bt` inside `gdb` to get a backtrace.

 If it only happens under valgrind, I think you can't usefully just
 attached `gdb` as then you're debugging valgrind itself, and instead we'd
 need to use valgrind options like `--vgdb` but let's only worry about that
 if we have to.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.xapian.org/ticket/814#comment:1>
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