[Xapian-devel] rpmbuild error with xapian-bindings-0.9.5

Sungsoo Kim xingshou at gmail.com
Sat Apr 15 03:45:16 BST 2006

There are two issues with rpmbuild xapian-bindings-0.9.5.

xapian.pyo is missing in the source package but it is defined 
in xapian-bindings.spec. After removing the following line from 
xapian-bindings.spec I could finish rpmbuild without error.

    %ghost %{_libdir}/python%{python_ver}/site-packages/xapian.pyo

csharp binding is turned on by default in xapian-bindings.spec.
As you know csharp binding requires a number of mono packages,
and they are not included in almost of Linux distributions.
Of course I can exclude csharp binding with -D parameter
as shown below.

    rpmbuild -ta -D'_without_csharp 1' xapian-bindings-0.9.5.tar.gz

IMHO csharp binding is turned off by default in xapian-bindings.spec
for almost of xapian users who do not use csharp binding.

Sungsoo Kim

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