[Xapian-devel] rpmbuild error with xapian-bindings-0.9.5

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Sat Apr 15 04:10:12 BST 2006

On Sat, Apr 15, 2006 at 11:45:16AM +0900, Sungsoo Kim wrote:
> There are two issues with rpmbuild xapian-bindings-0.9.5.
> xapian.pyo is missing in the source package but it is defined 
> in xapian-bindings.spec. After removing the following line from 
> xapian-bindings.spec I could finish rpmbuild without error.
>     %ghost %{_libdir}/python%{python_ver}/site-packages/xapian.pyo

I believe .pyo files are generated by "python -O" (so wouldn't be in the
source packages anyway), but we don't run that as part of the build
process so I'm not sure why we seem to be trying to package it.  I don't
know what %ghost does either though, so I'll have to leave this for
Fabrice to answer...

> csharp binding is turned on by default in xapian-bindings.spec.
> As you know csharp binding requires a number of mono packages,
> and they are not included in almost of Linux distributions.

Which distros don't have them?  Debian's had them for ages!

> Of course I can exclude csharp binding with -D parameter
> as shown below.
>     rpmbuild -ta -D'_without_csharp 1' xapian-bindings-0.9.5.tar.gz

The intention is that you pass the more natural "--without csharp"
(rather than "-D'_without_csharp 1'").  I don't think that's documented
- best place is probably a comment at the top of the .spec file I guess.

> IMHO csharp binding is turned off by default in xapian-bindings.spec
> for almost of xapian users who do not use csharp binding.

I'm not sure I want to play language favourites like that.

To be honest, most users will only want one of the bindings, unless
perhaps they're building packages for their distro for the benefit of
others.  So perhaps more natural would be to have "--with csharp", etc
(assuming rpmbuild supports that) to enable only a specified set of
bindings.  In the absence of any "--with" options, we try to build


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