[Xapian-devel] Test failures

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Sun Jun 24 00:15:40 BST 2007

On Sat, Jun 23, 2007 at 11:47:13PM +0100, James Aylett wrote:
> Tinderbox is showing failures in Search::Xapian on atreus with g++ 4.1
> (which looks like tests out of date at a *very* cursory examination,
> and in any case everyone should know about)

That'll be because of Richard's changes to NumberValueRangeProcessor.

> I'm also getting different test failures on the same system --
> valgrind (I assume) is finding potential memory leaks for every test
> against the remotetcp backend.

It's been doing that for some time (since before 1.0.0).  I'm virtually
certain it's not a genuine problem with the library, but rather
something amiss with the test harness.  We've not managed to work out
what so far though.

If you're bored, you could usefully binary chop SVN to find the change
which caused it to start failing.  My guess would be some time in April.

> (Incidentally, I've just installed Test::Pod::Coverage on atreus.)



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