[Xapian-devel] Sample quickstartindex unable to create database on Windows 2008

Charlie Hull charlie at juggler.net
Thu Jul 2 11:43:03 BST 2009

Olly Betts wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 11:11:45AM -0700, Martin Margo wrote:
>> I debugged the program and in database.cc in Xapian code line 205 function 
>> WritableDatabase::WritableDatabase(const std::string &path, int action) : Database ()
>> 'path' variable is preceeded with weird characters, such as so:
>> "ÌÌÌÌC:\tmp\junk14"
>> const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > &
>> While it should have read 'C:\tmp\junk14'. 
> But that is just passed straight in from argv[1] by
> quickstartindex.cc...
> What is argv[1] as passed to quickstartindex?
> And what are these 4 bytes exactly?  They're showing up as 0xcc here,
> but it's not clear if they've been mangled from their original values.
> Or are you looking at the raw data inside the string class?  That would
> probably have the length followed by the string data.

Hi all,

I've confirmed this problem on Visual C++ 2005 Express. Debugging inside 
the WritableDatabase constructor:

WritableDatabase::WritableDatabase(const std::string &path, int action)
     : Database()
The debugger shows 'path' is a '<Bad Ptr>'. Somehow VC++ doesn't like 
passing const references to std::strings in this way.

BTW copying argv[1] into a temporary buffer to make sure it's definitely 
zero terminated etc., then making a new std::string round it, then 
passing a reference to that doesn't help.

I'm wondering (though not with any real evidence) if 
has any relevance.


> Cheers,
>     Olly
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