[Xapian-devel] Python 3.0 patch for Xapian 1.0.11 - Where to send to?

Kelm, Peter ST/HZA-TG kelmpte at schaeffler.com
Mon May 4 18:03:02 BST 2009


I managed to patch xapian-1.0.11 for use with Python 3.0.1 so that the python test suite works - except one test ("NumberValueRangeProcessor" call, lines 293-296 in "smoketest.py").

Platform: Windows
Versions used: Xapian 1.0.11 (with flax makefiles), swigwin 1.3.39, Python 3.0.1

Although I know that Python 3 support is not planned for 1.0.x. Nevertheless, where can I send this to for review/inclusion? The ticket at http://trac.xapian.org/ticket/346 notes one behaviour "failure in line 35" that is resolved with this patch.

BTW: I could not get 1.0.12 to work on Windows with the flac makefiles...


Peter Kelm

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