[Xapian-devel] GSOC 2011 : Weighting Schemes and Matcher Optimisations

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Thu Mar 24 05:42:53 GMT 2011

On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 04:05:04PM +0100, Santiago Pina Ros wrote:
> I don't know if the  Matcher Optimisations project will
> be to dificult for me, but I would like to try it and learn as much as it
> possible. Can anybody help me deciding to wich project  should  I apply?

Sorry for not responding sooner.

It sounds like you have suitable skills for either project from what
you've told us.  So far, the weighting schemes project idea has had
the most interest, so if you are interested in both and undecided which
to consider, I would steer you towards the matcher optimisations idea.

Feel free to jump on IRC (#xapian on freenode) if you want to discuss
a bit more interactively.  Questions here are fine too of course.


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