[Xapian-devel] GSoC: PHP bindings

riadh chtara riadh.chtara at gmail.com
Tue Apr 3 13:12:56 BST 2012


> I'd think the changes to SWIG would take a lot more time than adjusting
> the wrapped API.
> Maybe it is worth noting that you can plan to tackle things in whatever
> order seems most sensible.  The changes to the existing wrapped API
> might serve as a more gentle start, but doing the larger part of the
> project first would mean you'd be more likely to have more actually
> completed if things take longer than expected.
 I will take you comment suggestion about timing in consideration.
What do you thing about this Schedule?

   1. April 30 – May 20 : Checking the Coding guidelines, Installing
   development environment, Reading and understanding deeply the source
    SWIG   and  wrapped API , Discussing with mentors about the final
   details of the project
   2. May 21 – May 29: Defining the changes needed in  SWIG
   3. May 28 - July 13:   adding new function to SWIG
   4. JULY 13
   6. July 13 –July 22:  adding new function to SWIG, Testing SWIG,
   Writing the documentation for SWIG
   7. July 23 – August 15: Improving the xapian php api
   8. August 16-August 20: Testing the new version of the xapian
   api, Writing the documentation for it

For the mid term evaluation do I need to make a deliverable?

> >    - Do you think it would be better to redesign the hole php xapian api?
> I don't think so - change without a good reason will just annoy existing
> users of the PHP API.
Ok, I will not do that.

> >    - who will be mentoring this project?
> We're intending to use a similar "group mentoring" approach as we did
> last year, so you'll be expected to discuss issues and ask questions in
> the IRC channel or on the mailing list, which is better for you as it
> means you don't have to wait for your mentor to be able to respond, and
> better for us as it makes it easier to keep track of how everyone's
> doing.  Public communication is also the way open source projects
> usually work, and GSoC is meant to give you experience of working in
> an open source project.
I like the idea of group mentoring. Its seems more flexible.

Just last question, was xapian accepted before to GSoC, and if it was, how
many projects were accepted?

Thank you for you time.

Yours sincerely
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