[Xapian-devel] Getting Started with Xapian Socket codebase

Ankit Bhatnagar ankitbhatnagar2012 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 18:34:37 GMT 2013

Hi everyone,

This is Ankit; currently final-year Computer Science undergrad at Panjab
University, India. I am well versed in C++ and have a pretty decent
understanding of sockets. I successfully completed GSoC last year for IDI,
project titled - Google App Module for ATutor.

Quite recently, I have been working on the project idea - Replacing Xapian
socket code with ZeroMQ. This is to inquire about what do I do next?

Is there some documentation for the Socket codebase that I can use as a
reference or any open tickets/patches, that I can work on?

Any help/suggestions is highly appreciated.

*Ankit Bhatnagar.*
*IRC Nick : ankit*
*GTalk : ankitbhatnagar2012*
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