[Xapian-devel] My Introduction and Ideas

Chu Bingxiang chu849238686 at foxmail.com
Wed Feb 26 01:31:53 GMT 2014


I am Chu Bingxiang. I'm a 1st year computer science student at Harbin Engineering University, China. My irc name is Marylandeny-Chu. I'm eager to be one of the contributors of Xapian in GSoC 2014 and the future.

I have been focused on this project from Jan. These days, by searching through the Internet, I found that there seems few Chinese documents, and to Chinese, it dosen't work as well as the other languages. From the project websites, I heard that there is a Chinese student who did a Chinese segmentation analysis at GSoC 2011. Maybe it doesn't work well so Chinese prefered to use another segmentation module after it is published. 

To the project's idea, I think rebuild or improve that Chinese segmentation analysis module is a good idea. Also, translate the docs could be a good choice from now on to increase the influence of xapian in China. Also I can help with the "Performance Test". I have been working on programing since I studied in Senier High School. And I am attending the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, which is a multitier, team-based, programming competition.

I hope I can help you to make the best "Search Engine Library".

Best Regards,
Chu Bingxiang
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