[Xapian-devel] Xapian and GSoC 2014

Parth Gupta pargup8 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 23 10:17:55 GMT 2014

Hi Tejas,

Thank you for your interest in Letor project in Xapian. We would definitely
like to consider Letor for this year's GSoC project.

What I would suggest you is, start playing with the code and get acquainted
with it. The latest code can be obtained from http://trac.xapian.org/wiki/


On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 10:14 PM, Tejas Nikumbh <tejasnikumbh at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Parth,
>     I saw your name  on the mentors list. I'm currently pursuing my EE
> major (with a lot of CS electives) at IIT Bombay. I'm interested n
> contributing to Xapian as a whole. I was particularly interested in the
> Ranking schemes ideas like Weighing sums and Learning to Rank. I wanted to
> know how important these ideas are to the organization as a whole this year
> and whether or not they are of high priority from the point of view of
> GSoC. I've previously been associated with a contract development with
> Columbia/Stanford/Caltech and also have done an internship in data
> scrapping with TRDDC India. However, I've not done information retrieval in
> c++.  You can check out my linked in profile here : -
> http://in.linkedin.com/pub/tejas-nikumbh/61/260/198
>   I've done some good algorithms based projects in c++. I haven't updated
> my github yet but will send you a link soon.
>    As far as opensource development is concerned, I have little
> experience. Although so, I'm really looking forward to contributing to it
> this year. I've started submitting patches to some bugs online, and would
> be looking into Xapians codebase soon.
>    Please let me know about what further steps I should take as of now to
> ensure that I maximize my chances of getting into GSoC. I'm already gone
> through Xapians tips page.
> Thanks and let me know.
> --
> Tejas Nikumbh,
> Fourth Year Undergraduate,
> Electrical Engineering Department,
> IIT Bombay.
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