[Xapian-devel] c#/ java binding improvements

Chamara Philips chcphilips at gmail.com
Tue Jul 1 14:49:49 BST 2014


I am a  Computer Science and Engineering student at University of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka. I went through the project proposals of Xapian at Gsoc 2014. I
found the project "c# binding improvement", very attractive for me to start
up with committing to open-source community. And then found that is is not
taken by any student. Please, some one can help me to start on this. I have
3 years coding experience with, c# and .net framework. Also Java, c and 1
year experience in c++. As I see this is a very simple one to start-up
with, I expect to go to java binding improvements as well.

Thank You.

*Best Regards*
Hareendra C. Philips,
Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Morotuwa
Sri Lanka
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