[Xapian-devel] Considering Parallel computing for Letor

Parth Gupta pargup8 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 19 09:51:24 GMT 2014

Hi Shreedhar,

Right now the Letor has three ranking algorithms: svmranker, listmle and
listnet. Svmranker uses libsvm in the background to train the model which
is very efficient. The listmle and listnet algorithms are not parallelised.

Parallel computing is definitely an interest of the xapian-letor project
but you might have noticed from this year's project idea page, this years
focus is to sort out the existing API first and then on top of it adding a
feature selection algorithm.

We would welcome your proposal and your proposal can be sorting out the
letor API and on top of it making it parallel (replacing the feature
selection algorithm).

You should also well define the scope of your project, if you want to make
the training functions parallel, feature extraction parallel and how you
want to achieve it. I strongly recommend you to fork the existing branch
from: https://github.com/parthg/xapian and see what you want to do and
where and include those details in the proposal.


On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 3:49 PM, Shreedhar Pawar <shreedhar22 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> My name is Shreedhar Pawar. I have already introduced myself on
> Xapian-discuss...
> I feel  that the Xapian Search/Letor Algorithm,  can speed up using
>  Parallel computing. Techniques like Map-reduce, 'compact n split', radix
> sort, scan,  parallel hashing n much more can be used to speed up the
> learning algorithms as well  as the search... support vector machines in
> the Letor algorithm involves heavy computations at the training data-set
> stage which could be speed up again by using parallel computing. Should I
> consider this for writing my proposal, I mean are there any chances that we
> implement Letor in a Parallel way...? OpenCL is an open source parallel
> computing language which can be implemented with C/C++ and we get much help
> on forums.
> Cheers...!
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