[Xapian-devel] Considering Parallel computing for Letor

Shreedhar Pawar shreedhar22 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 18 14:49:08 GMT 2014

Hi everyone,

My name is Shreedhar Pawar. I have already introduced myself on
I feel  that the Xapian Search/Letor Algorithm,  can speed up using
 Parallel computing. Techniques like Map-reduce, 'compact n split', radix
sort, scan,  parallel hashing n much more can be used to speed up the
learning algorithms as well  as the search... support vector machines in
the Letor algorithm involves heavy computations at the training data-set
stage which could be speed up again by using parallel computing. Should I
consider this for writing my proposal, I mean are there any chances that we
implement Letor in a Parallel way...? OpenCL is an open source parallel
computing language which can be implemented with C/C++ and we get much help
on forums.

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