[Xapian-devel] Help with xapian

James Aylett james-xapian at tartarus.org
Mon Oct 13 20:14:42 BST 2014

On 12 Oct 2014, at 18:41, karthik iyer <karthikiyer2000 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Make is throwing the error
> No rule to make target `common/getopt.cc', needed by `common/getopt.o'

How are you getting a copy of xapian-letor? By git checkout? Are you bootstrapping? xapian-letor doesn't quite have all its build pieces in a row for "normal" use yet, so you have to do things just right. I just did (*):

$ git clone https://github.com/xapian/xapian.git
$ cd xapian
$ rm xapian-letor/.nobootstrap # make sure xapian-letor gets bootstrapped
$ touch xapian-bindings/.nobootstrap # this just avoids building all the bindings
$ ./bootstrap # can take a while as it has to build all sorts of tools
$ ./configure --prefix=`pwd`/../install
$ make

which will build xapian-core and xapian-letor (and omega). Works fine for me (modulo a OS X build problem which won't trouble you providing you're on a linux); I suspect you didn't do the bootstrapping, which pulls in the xapian common files, which is what the error was saying (albeit cryptically).


(*) slight lie, I realise, as I cloned using a different URL at the beginning, but that shouldn't make any difference in this case

 James Aylett, occasional trouble-maker

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