Weighting Schemes: Implementing Piv+ Normalization

Vivek Pal vivekpal.dtu at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 05:38:12 BST 2016

> I can't comment on compare views, due to how github works. You can
> open a pull request, which does allow commenting, and just note it
> isn't ready to merge yet

Opened a pull request: https://github.com/xapian/xapian/pull/115

I have made quite of changes since those previous commits. Like I mentioned
in previous email,
I tried using another constructor to pass parameters s and delta that
control the weights assigned
by Piv+ normalization. That prevented issues faced earlier. All previous
tests pass without any serialisation
errors and I've added new tests as well; all passing. Will try to improve
test coverage further now.


On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 10:10 PM, James Aylett <james-xapian at tartarus.org>

> On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 01:55:11AM +0530, Vivek Pal wrote:
> > I've pushed all the changes I made so far
> >
> https://github.com/xapian/xapian/compare/master...ivmarkp:piv+?diff=split&name=piv%2B
> >
> > Can you please add some comments on it? Support for normalization
> weighting
> > is complete -- just these issues with serialisation.
> I can't comment on compare views, due to how github works. You can
> open a pull request, which does allow commenting, and just note it
> isn't ready to merge yet. (That will also get it built by Travis CI,
> meaning people don't have to dig up the build failure from the mailing
> list to figure out what's going on.)
> J
> --
>   James Aylett, occasional trouble-maker
>   xapian.org
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