Implementation of substring search in omegascript

Ayush Gupta ayushgp10 at
Mon Feb 15 13:13:16 GMT 2016

Thanks for the feedback!
I have created a pull request with the necessary changes to the docs and
with proper indentation. I have submitted the pull request to the master
branch of the xapian project. Should I have posted it in some other branch?
I wasn't sure about this.

On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 5:08 PM, James Aylett <james-xapian at>

> Hi, Ayush — congratulations on getting stuck into this! As a matter of
> course, can you please keep replies copied to the mailing list so everyone
> can help and benefit from the discussion? [xapian-devel added back to cc.]
> Because you haven’t provided this as a patch or PR (more on that later),
> it’s harder for me to incorporate into my codebase and test, and I haven’t
> had time to do that yet. However it looks in principal good to me, with a
> couple of comments. (You should also try to ensure that you match our
> indentation style.)
> I think you’re making life more complex than you need to in creating the
> string version of the integer offset. Have a look at how the `$add{}`
> command does it (ll 1253–1260
> ).
> You’ll also need to add documentation to `docs/omegascript.rst` to
> complete this project; just a short sentence describing what it does will
> be sufficient.
> To move this further forward, you also need to provide a patch in some
> form rather than a gist that isn’t formatting as a patch. The easiest way
> of doing this is probably to fork the Xapian project on github, push a
> commit to a branch there and then open a pull request. (Alternatively you
> can create a patch by using git locally, avoiding github. However since
> github is currently so popular among open source projects, it’s a good idea
> to learn how to use it.)
> Github has some documentation on forking and pull requests which may help (
> but if you have problems, please shout out and someone will try to help!
> J
> > On 15 Feb 2016, at 10:56, Ayush Gupta <ayushgp10 at> wrote:
> >
> > Hi James,
> > I have implemented the function here:
> > Please have a look.
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 6:11 AM, James Aylett <james-xapian at>
> wrote:
> > On 14 Feb 2016, at 18:52, Ayush Gupta <ayushgp10 at> wrote:
> >
> > > I tried implementing the bite sized project idea posted here:
> but could not understand what needs to be returned when this command is
> called.
> >
> > Hi, Ayush. It’s probably worth you creating a short plan as you figure
> out what’s needed here. Having a plan before you write code is always a
> good idea, and if you create it as a gist or similar, you can share it with
> other people on the list when asking questions. It’ll help others know
> where you’ve got to and what you’ve tried, and is good practice for when
> you get into larger projects (such as GSoC) which last weeks or months.
> >
> > > This line is not so clear to me: expand to the offset of the first
> occurrence of fish from the start of the string if $query, or to if $query
> doesn't contain the substring fish.
> >
> > Based on the description, here are some examples of what
> `$contains{fish,$query}` would expand to based on different values of
> `$query`:
> >
> > $query          $contains{fish,$query}
> > --------------------------------------
> > hello           (empty string)
> > fish            0
> > hello fish      6
> >
> > So you’d be able to do things like `$if{$contains{fish,$query},fish
> present,no fishes}`.
> >
> > Hopefully that makes it more clear.
> >
> > > Also in file in omega dir, when defining function
> descriptions, what does the evalargs and ensure arguments mean?
> >
> > ensure means that the command requires either a query (‘Q’) or a query
> and a match (‘M’) to have been evaluated in the script up to that point.
> (See lines 1246–1248 of
> >
> > evalargs (ll 1238–1244) controls the number of arguments to the command
> that are evaluated, ie that themselves can contain OmegaScript commands.
> (Some commands explicitly evaluate some of their arguments themselves, so
> this is more convenience where a number of the arguments need evaluating
> unconditionally — such as for `$def{}` where the macroname is evaluated,
> but the expansion of the macro is not, and `$if{}` where we only want to
> evaluate one of the result branches, not both.)
> >
> > Ideally they’d both be explained in comments in the source code (around
> the structure definition and macro). Feel free to make a small patch and
> pull request to cover that!
> >
> > (Note that it looks to me like there’s a bug in the evalargs handling,
> where minargs == N.)
> >
> > J
> >
> > --
> >  James Aylett, occasional trouble-maker
> >
> >
> >
> --
>  James Aylett, occasional trouble-maker
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