Weighting Schemes -- Project Progress

Vivek Pal vivekpal.dtu at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 08:10:37 BST 2016

^I'm now looking to start writing documentation for BM25+ weighting
function. Would it be a good idea to start already and alongside make
changes to the PR as required after its review?

On Jun 11, 2016 3:07 AM, "Vivek Pal" <vivekpal.dtu at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I have been working on adding support for BM25+ weighting function from
> the last couple of weeks. Initially, I considered modifying bm25weight.cc
> to add support for BM25+ function without disturbing functionalities of
> BM25. But that didn't work out very well. A day or two was spent trying to
> refactor and debug the same code.
> Later, I took another approach following the suggestions from James and
> implemented a new sub class (BM25PlusWeight) for BM25+ weighting function.
> All tests are passing. I've have pushed the changes to update the pull
> request: https://github.com/xapian/xapian/pull/104
> Next, I'll be refactoring the code, improving test coverage in
> bm25plusweight.cc. and writing the documentation for BM25+.  By the mid-end
> of the next week, I'll begin working on the implementation next weighting
> function as per project timeline i.e. PL2+ weighting function.
> Regards,
> Vivek
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