Weighting Schemes -- Project Progress

Vivek Pal vivekpal.dtu at gmail.com
Sun Jun 12 02:40:31 BST 2016

Hi James,

>>I'm happy for you to add documentation changes on top of the PR if we
>>haven't merged it by then.

I made some changes in the documentation and opened a pull request:
https://github.com/xapian/xapian-docsprint/pull/13 . This might need some
improvements. Please have a look at it. :)

>>Before proceeding with another weighting scheme, I think it'd be a
>>good idea to look at evaluating BM25+. Olly and I were talking about
>>this yesterday, and it'd be helpful to know how it does against plain

I agree, it'd be helpful to see how BM25+ performs. I will start working on
its evaluation this week once everyone is happy with its implementation
here (https://github.com/xapian/xapian/pull/104).

>>Guarav's previous evaluation work isn't up to date with master.
>>However it's a good starting point, and it would be good to pull it
>>into the main repository in any case.

During the community bonding period, I had tried to setup evaluation module
on my system but as discussed earlier on this thread
https://lists.xapian.org/pipermail/xapian-devel/2016-May/002901.html, there
was a requirement for test collections to proceed pointed out by Gaurav. So, I
first need to setup evaluation module. Can we use other test collections
like TREC if available easily?

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