R bindings for Xapian - Project progress

Amanda Jayanetti amandajayanetti at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 16:54:55 BST 2016

> >> I did ask you a while ago to start using pull requests into your own
> >> repo, so it's easier for mentors to work with you on the work you're
> >> doing.

Will do so from now onwards.

>> all the files in man/ that you've added don't need to be
> >> in the repo, because they're automatically generated from other source
> code.
Users can install RXapian package directly from github using the command
'install_github(“RXapian”)'. Once the package is installed, if
automatically generated documentation(.Rd files) were included in the git
repository, users can easily view all the information about the package,
functions, parameters as well as examples by simply pressing f1 (in
Rstudio). This is a very helpful feature which will not be available to
users/evaluators of RXapian if those files were removed. So wouldn't it be
better to include documentation files in git repo until RXapian is
contributed to CRAN?

Best regards,

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